COPD and the Pelvic Floor
November is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Awareness Month. What does this have to do with the pelvic floor? EVERYTHING if someone has COPD or a chronic cough!
Did you read my blog, The Exploding Soda Can: Stress Urinary Incontinence? This blog delves into how the abdominal canister is a pressurize system that needs to work ompitally for us to maintain continence of our pee and poop. If you or a loved one has COPD, then you know that canister is compromised from the chronic cough. That can mean that every cough puts the person as risk to pee in their pants or worse.
What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)? The MayoClinic defines it as “a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. Symptoms include breathing difficulty, cough, mucus (sputum) production and wheezing.”
For the pelvic floor to counteract this constant downward pressure, an individual will have to work very hard on their pelvic floor coordination and strength. There also needs to be consideration for their body mechanics with coughing to help maintain balance in the system of the abdominal canister.
So if someone has COPD, don’t forget to think about the pelvic floor and its health! This is not always a topic discussed by the Pulmonologists or other managing doctors. Sadly, society makes many individuals feel that urinary incontinence is NORMAL and something that has to be lived with. But that simply is not true and pelvic health specialists are here to help!
Need help finding someone in your area? Click here for a directory of trained individuals who specialize in caring for the pelvic floor!
Practically Yours,
Dr. Mo