Carrying It Well Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Heavy
Thanks for joining me for Keeping It Real Part 4: Carrying it Well Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Heavy!
If you learn one thing from me, may it be that anxiety looks different to everyone. People tell me things like “You’re not anxious, you always have it together.”
I have literally struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember. I think a lot of times with mental health issues, we think that someone has to be stuck in bed, talking to themselves, living in a houseful of cats, or something drastic like that to have mental illness. I guess since I have struggled with this my whole life, I’m just able to function well through it.
I vividly remember worrying my house would burn down or my parents would die or that I would have no friends or that I would be stolen by strangers since I was about 5 years old. My anxiety has ruined relationships, friendships, and just given me years of drama and worry I didn’t need. I cringe rereading old journals, because my poor anxious younger self needed help for quite some time.
Starting therapy to work on my issues 6 years ago was life changing. Going on medication 5 years ago to help with my anxiety was one of the best things I could have done for myself and everyone in my life. So I’m not quiet about my mental health. I may feel shy sharing one of my imperfections but it’s worth it if it helps someone else. Because a calm, peaceful mind is important!
Mental health issues can look different for each person. Everyone carries different burdens. Everyone reacts to life changes and stressed differently. Be kind to each other, you just never know what someone is really going through.
Perfectly Yours,
Dr. Mo