15 Things You Should Know About Our Practice
As we approach our one year birthday, I thought it would be appropriate to write a blog about 15 things that you should know about Practically Perfect Physical Therapy as a practice and small business. These may be things you did not know, noticed but did not think were intentional, or will notice moving forward.

I feel like people may think they know what physical therapy is, but they are not always 100% accurate.
“Oh, you massage necks, right?”
“You watch people exercise all day.”
Some people may be familiar with pelvic floor physical therapy and some still think we’re involved in witchcraft and voodoo magic. Our practice is very specific and niched on purpose. We’ve started to build this environment very intentionally to create the practically perfect setting for our clients.

#1: Expect us to be realistic. Like the Iggy Azalea saying, “First things first. I’m the realest.” If you’re looking for a practice that is full of providers that will listen to your story, work with you, and meet you where you’re at, we are probably a good fit for you. We may feel nosy at first. We want to know your story. We want to know where you’ve been, what you’ve tried, what has worked, what hasn’t worked, and help you move forward from there. We also want to be realistic about what to expect, what we think about what is going on, and how we think we can help.

#2: We do not use chemicals when cleaning our offices. This includes cleaning our toys and our patient treatment surfaces. We believe in clean, healthy alternatives that are devoid of potentially harmful chemicals. We can’t control what our landlord does, but you can bet that our hand sanitizers, mat cleaners, and toy cleaners are as safe as we can find.

#3: We are accessible for most bodies. We are on the first floor and can accommodate walkers and wheelchairs. We may be small, but we want all to feel welcome. This includes all movement ability levels.

#4 We are kid friendly. Please do not let a lack of child care keep you from getting your therapy services. We are happy to have your children come with you to your sessions if they will let you get your therapy done. All of our treatment rooms have different kid friendly activities for the little stowaways that may visit.

#5 We only see patients one-on-one. This means we do not treat more than one client at the same time. You have your therapist focused on your care for the entirety of your session.

#6 We have providers that also offer alternative specialties. We may be a physical therapy practice primarily, but our talented and creative team includes experts on myofascial release, massage, yoga, nutrition, and dry needling. This makes us one stop shopping for most families.

#7 We accept most insurances. We even accept New Jersey Horizon Health for pelvic health and pediatric patients. We believe in accessible care for all people. We want you to come in for the necessary amount of appointments while being able to use your insurance benefits. It is the responsibility of our clients to understand their benefits including copays, coinsurance, and deductibles, but we are always happy to help with this.

#8 We want to make you feel at home. We offer snacks and warm drinks while you wait or to take on the road after your session. We want you to feel safe, welcomed, and at peace in our treatment spaces.

#9 We sell some of the popular items that can be helpful to you and implementing your home programs. This includes but is not limited to: the squatty potty, lubricant, therapy balls, therapy bands, stretch out straps, Dr. Mora’s educational books, etc. We don’t sell it unless we use it. We also purchase things wholesale and sell them at a discount so that they’re always more affordable through us than a bigger company!

#10 We offer wellness classes for parents and children to help answer any questions about pregnancy, labor, delivery, and childhood development. We want you to be confident in all phases of life and we LOVE to share our knowledge.
#11 We can help with breast care and infant feeding issues. This means we can help with clogged ducts, if mastitis is developing, and the hands-on therapy and body work for infants with oral motor dysfunctions. We will fit you in ASAP if something like this is going on!
#12 We are one of only four locations that offers pelvic health in the Atlantic County area. We are the only location that has multiple pelvic health providers under the same roof. We are also the only location that has multiple providers who treat individuals with a penis. We are the only Atlantic County location that treats pediatric pelvic floor dysfunction!

#13 We utilize an electronic medical record keeping program called Athena. This system allows patients to self-register, self-schedule, communicate with their provider directly, and view their plan of care quickly and easily in a portal or app if they choose to.
#14 We love to give things away. Our patients are very commonly the recipient of samples of lubricants, moisturizers, latex free condoms, menstrual discs to try, and other applicable products that would help their recovery.

#15 Our providers’ ages span 5 decades. This means collectively there is tons of knowledge, mentorship and meeting of the minds to bring you the most quality care.
If you know Dr. Mora, you know she would have rather stopped at 10 to make it like “10 Things I Hate About You” – one of her favorite movies. But she had so much to tell you, she kept going and got to 15, which is a multiple of 5, and makes it OK to end here!
If you’re a Practically Perfect patient already, please know we are so grateful to you and are so happy to be with you on your therapy journey. If you’re not, we hope to see you real soon!
Perfectly Yours,
Dr. Mora and the staff at Practically Perfect Physical Therapy